We work closely with cantonal and federal authorities in order to obtain the legally required authorisations for our activities. Our processes are audited by external institutes who award us certifications which are internationally renowned.

Authorisation for contract staffing
The Office for Economic Affairs and Employment of the Canton of Aargau (AWA) has granted us the authorisation for contract staffing. This authorises us to hire out workers residing in Switzerland to jobs throughout Switzerland. This authorisation is supplemented by the entitlement issued by the SECO, State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, for cross-border hiring.

Authorisation for a private employment service
The Office for Economic Affairs and Employment of the Canton of Aargau (AWA) has granted us the authorisation for a private employment service. This authorises us for the placement of workers residing in Switzerland to jobs throughout Switzerland. This authorisation is supplemented by the entitlement issued by the SECO, State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, to recruit persons from abroad to work as well as from Switzerland abroad.

Quality standards of Swissstaffing
The Swiss professional association Swissstaffing attaches great importance to quality and professionalism in the industry. All members are required to undergo a quality audit and be recertified every three years. Swissstaffing's quality standards apply to all members and cover various areas such as data protection, contract staffing, recruitment and health and safety at work. The SQS certificate is recognised throughout Switzerland and is valid for three years. SQS carries out the audits for the quality label on behalf of Swissstaffing.

Top rating companies are characterised by financial stability and the highest or a high credit rating – regardless of the size of their company.