People in meeting room at Oniko Personalverleih 2


Sustainability is a political choice, not a technical one. It’s not a question of whether we can be sustainable, but whether we choose to be.

At Oniko AG, we recognize that sustainable development is essential for the long-term success of our business and the well-being of society. We are committed to promoting sustainable practices in all aspects of our operations and to continuously improving our sustainability performance.

Our sustainability approach is guided by the following principles:

  1. Respect for human rights
    We comply with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights as well as internationally recognized human rights.
  2. Prohibition of discrimination
    We are committed to promoting a non-discriminatory environment, including treating our employees with dignity and respect and prohibiting any form of discrimination (i.e. any distinction, exclusion or preference based on race, skin color, gender, religion, political opinion, national origin or social background). This is in accordance with the core conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO, Convention 111).
  3. Prohibition of child labor
    We prohibit child labor and comply with Swiss law and the core conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO, Conventions 138 and 182).
  4. Prohibition of forced labor
    We are committed to prohibit forced and compulsory labor in accordance with the core conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO, Conventions 29 and 105). Forced labor means forcing a person to work in any way against their will or, for example, requiring them to keep their personal identity documents.
  5. Freedom of association
    We respect the right of workers to freedom of association, which means that workers can freely join together, organize and negotiate collectively, establish or join unions and representative organizations if they so wish. This is in accordance with Swiss law and the core conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO, Conventions 87 and 98).
  6. Health and safety
    We are committed to provide a safe and healthy work environment. In particular, we comply with the occupational safety regulations in place at the place of performance and take measures to prevent accidents, injuries and hazards.
  7. Fair compensation
    We comply with the customary compensation regulations for our employees at the place of performance. This includes equal pay between women and men, the provisions of the Posted Workers Act, and the wage conditions of the collective labor agreements and the standard employment contracts.
  8. Environment
    We are committed to comply with the legal regulations in place at the place of performance for the protection of the environment and the preservation of natural resources. Furthermore, Oniko AG requires its suppliers, wherever possible and reasonable, to reduce their emissions, keep the flow of goods in terms of waste and waste as low as possible, primarily use reusable or recyclable resources, and handle the environment and biodiversity with care.
  9. Competition and Anti-Corruption Measures
    We uphold the values of integrity, fairness, respect, professionalism, and transparency, and contribute to fair competition. In particular, no agreements with competitors or business partners may be made that aim to or result in an unlawful restriction of competition. Money laundering in any form will be combated in accordance with all applicable regulations. In addition, measures to prevent corruption, extortion, and bribery are applied.
  10. Innovation and Collaboration
    We are committed to promoting innovation and collaboration to address sustainability challenges. We will work with our stakeholders to develop and implement sustainable solutions and will continually strive to improve our sustainability performance.
  11. Continuous Improvement
    We are committed to continuously improving our sustainability performance through setting measurable targets, monitoring our progress, and reporting transparently on our performance. We will engage with our stakeholders to gather feedback and insights that will help us improve our sustainability practices.

Signed by Adrian Burch, CEO